Tata Motors embarked on a transformative mission—the One Million Plantation initiative, in the heart of Maharashtra’s tribal interiors

Tata Motors has achieved a significant milestone in environmental conservation with its One Million Plantation initiative, enriching the green cover of Maharashtra’s tribal interiors. Covering 13,000 acres of previously unproductive land in Palghar district, the initiative aims to mitigate distress migration among farmers and enhance biodiversity.

Under the Integrated Village Development Programme (IVDP), Tata Motors has planted 1.5 million fruit and forest saplings across eight blocks. This effort not only revitalizes barren landscapes but also supports local communities by creating sustainable income opportunities through sapling care and eventual produce sales. More than 13,000 farmers have benefited from this initiative, transforming their lands into productive orchards, yielding nutrition-rich fruits that uplift the health and nutrition standards of Below Poverty Line (BPL) families.The initiative is a collaborative effort, with Tata Motors providing financial support for saplings and technical assistance from the BAIF Institute for Sustainable Livelihoods and Development (BISLD). Funding from the government’s Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MNREGS) ensures that farmers receive wages for sapling aftercare, directly contributing to their livelihoods.

Vinod Kulkarni, CSR Head at Tata Motors, emphasized the initiative’s dual impact on the economy and ecosystems, stating, “The One Million Plantation initiative symbolizes our commitment to sustainable development and supporting tribal communities. As we prepare to plant another million trees this monsoon, we are dedicated to fostering a greener and more prosperous future.”

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